A Delaware native, tomato grower Barry Trimmer has been in the hydroponic tomato growing business for the last 18 years. From his greenhouse in Dover, he grows around 900 plants, including three varieties, as part of this one-man enterprise. His greenhouse uses state-of-the-art computer equipment to create a controlled environment ideal for these pesticide free tomatoes. He uses bug screens for ventilation, plus his cat patrols for rodent control. Each plant produces approximately 40 pounds of fruit and grows up to approximately 30 feet long!
Barry uses bug screens for ventilation, plus his cat patrols for rodent control. Each plant produces approximately 40 pounds of fruit and grows up to approximately 30 feet long! The tomatoes are harvested when ripe, washed, and then packed the day before delivery. It’s hard to get a product much fresher than that! Hydroponic tomatoes are really juicy and great for any type of cooking recipe. Did you know that no tomato should be refrigerated because it loses its taste? Hydroponic tomatoes contain less acid, making it safer for your stomach.